We see a lot of questions being put up by customers where they want all the mails with a particular content in it, that was shared some time back by their user or from their partner with them. Now they know the phrases or content of the mail, but don't exactly remember where the mails are but want all such mails in a particular mailbox so that they can review the content once again.

We had a similar situation where we wanted mails with particular phrases to be searched and put in a particular mailbox. Below we'll be sharing with you the process on how this can be achieved.


  1. Identify the mailboxes where you want to search the content
  2. Identify the Phrases/Content which you want to search

First Step is to give yourself Organisation Management, Reviewer and E-discovery Administrator Rights, before you jump on to the process, give it some time (Approx two Hrs) to apply the permissions to your account.

  1. Go to Exchange Admin center
  2. Go to compliance Management>in place E-discovery and Hold
  3. Click on + and fill in the name of the search.

  4. Specify the mailboxes you wish to search
  5. Enter the Keywords that you wish to search on those mailboxes
  6. Then save the Query.

  7. Next Step would be to copy the search content to a discovery Mailbox, but before that we would have to create a discovery Mailbox.

  8. To create a Discovery Mailbox, Run Powershell as an administrator

  9. Connect to Exchange using below commands:
    Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
    $UserCredential = Get-Credential
    $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://outlook.office365.com/powershell-liveid/ -Credential $UserCredential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
    Import-PSSession $Session

  10.  Now run,
    New-Mailbox -Name Deals02 -Discovery

    Note: Deals02 is the name of the Discovery Mailbox, you can name it what ever you like.

  11. Now click on the Search bar in the In place E-discovery and hold and copy the search result items
  12. If you want to include all the unsearchable items, check mark that ans in below screenshot and browse the Discovery mailbox that you created, in my case its Deals02 and click on copy.
  13. Once all the mails are copied into the discovery mailbox you would receive a notification for its completion.

You can then copy the content, search for content in this mailbox and copy to a particular account. For that follow below process. 

  1. Connect to Exchange Online using power shell as done before.
  2. Now Run
    Search-Mailbox -Identity "deals02@foetron.onmicrosoft.com" -SearchQuery "Received>=07/29/2018 AND Received<=10/24/2018"  -TargetMailbox advisory01@foetron.com -TargetFolder "August 2015" -LogLevel Full

This would transfer everything from the searched mailbox to a new mailbox, with the help of the above command all the mails received between 7th' July'18 - 10th'October'18 and name the folder as August 2015.

For any other concerns related to Office 365 plan and subscriptions. You can reach out to us by submitting a ticket on our portal https://cloud.foetron.com/ or you can directly mail us at support@foetron.com. Check out our website www.foetron.com to know about the services offered by us.