Foetron - Microsoft Cloud Solutions Provider

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How to do videos

Azure SQL Availability - Summary | Azure SQL for beginners (Ep. 56)
In this video, you'll recap what you've learned in Module 5: Availability. For more tips like this, check out the working remotely playlist at w...
Mon, 23 Nov, 2020 at 8:51 PM
Azure SQL Scenarios Challenge #1 | Azure SQL for beginners (Ep. 57)
In this video, get an intro to the Azure SQL Scenarios Challenge #1, where we encourage you to participate in the community, leveraging the comments below o...
Mon, 23 Nov, 2020 at 8:54 PM
Azure SQL: What Else Should I Know | Azure SQL for beginners (Ep. 59)
In this video, learn about some other Azure SQL topics that you should know about.  For more tips like this, check out the working remotely playlist at ...
Mon, 23 Nov, 2020 at 8:56 PM
Opportunities in the Cloud with Azure SQL | Azure SQL for beginners (Ep. 60)
In this video, learn about the opportunities that Azure and Azure SQL enables once you're in the cloud, and review a sample architecture for IoT.  Fo...
Mon, 23 Nov, 2020 at 8:57 PM
Call to Action and Resources | Azure SQL for beginners (Ep. 61)
In the last video of Azure SQL for beginners, get a recap of the series and what you can do to further your Azure SQL learning.   For more tips like thi...
Mon, 23 Nov, 2020 at 8:59 PM
Azure Active Directory: ServiceNow Integration with Azure AD
Learn the steps on how to integrate ServiceNow with Azure AD.  For more tips like this, check out the working remotely playlist at
Fri, 4 Dec, 2020 at 7:29 PM
Add an OpenID Connect app to your tenant from the application gallery - Azure Active Directory
In this video, Ashwini explains how tenant administrators can add an app that uses OpenID Connect from the Azure Active Directory application gallery.  ...
Fri, 4 Dec, 2020 at 7:31 PM
Azure AD - How to update certificates in Microsoft AD FS
Learn about certificates in AD FS and how to manage them without having to open a support ticket.  For more tips like this, check out the working remote...
Fri, 4 Dec, 2020 at 7:33 PM
Enable new customer experiences with B2C
We will go over how to customize the sign in, sign up, profile editing, password reset experiences that integrates with your applications for your consumer ...
Fri, 4 Dec, 2020 at 7:35 PM
Get insights in your identities with analytics and reporting
Learn how to use logs and build reports and analytics. We will go over SIEM integration options and gather, share, and add Insights to workbooks.  For m...
Fri, 4 Dec, 2020 at 7:41 PM